Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tuesday, November 22

Another day flown by!

Math - We reviewed long division with remainders. You had a choice to do a division colouring worksheet or create and solve 10 challenge questions of your own. Tomorrow you will have a short "check up" quiz on long division.

English Div. 5 - We reviewed quotes and summaries. We read and discussed a news article on the newest "Snapchat Spectacles." Tomorrow you will write a summary on the article based on the 5 W's and 1 H, your collected GIST words, and quotes.

The newest "Snapchat Spectacles" 

Little Buddies - It was so wonderful watching you help your little buddies with their portfolios. They really appreciated your assistance. How cool was the weaving project they showed you!? I was super impressed!


* Field Trip permission forms - Victoria trip and Commenwealth Swimming
* LAST DAY OF TERM THURSDAY - hand in all missing work!!
* Homework - Study math long division for tomorrow's quiz and any late work....
* Parent/teacher interviews on Thursday - sign up on Journey website

See you all tomorrow for another wonderful Wednesday.

Question of the Day: What does KWL stand for? 

Monday 21 November 2016

Monday, November 21st

We began our morning with researching questions we had about depression and anxiety for your health and career mark. We will have two more lab times during advisory to complete your KWL chart on this.

Socials - I am so impressed with all of your amazing projects! We continued artifact piece presentations today in both classes. You should all be proud of your efforts!

Math - We started review of long division. You were to create a poster stating the steps of long division, three example questions, and one word problem. This is due tomorrow.

English Div. 5 - You took notes on how to quote/summarize/paraphrase and we reviewed how to embed quotes into your writing. We read a news article together and looked for the 5 W's and H of the article. We will continue this tomorrow and you will write a summary.


- Term cut off is this Thursday - please hand in any late assignments!
- Math "long division" poster is due tomorrow.
- Book fair starts tomorrow
- Hand in field trip forms and coupon books
- Parent teacher interviews Thursday - sign up on Journey website

Word of the day is a fill in the blank: This week Journey is hosting __________.

Sunday 20 November 2016

This Week at a Glance

November 21st-25th

Hope you all are enjoying the weekend!

Here's what's up for this short week:

Tuesday - Little buddies!

Thursday - Early dismissal at lunch (noon), parent teacher interviews start @ 1pm.
               - Ms. L's last day before Mrs. Bridal's return on Monday, November 28th.
               *TERM CUT OFF (all missing work must be handed in)

Friday - No School (Pro-D Day)


* Hand in your missing/late work! Danger zone slips were given to you on Friday. There are extra copies of all assignments in the class.

* Field trip permission forms and coupon books are due back

* Email your Inquiry research project to Ms. L (or submit USB or poster) if you have not done so yet. My email is clajeunesse@sd62.bc.ca. Remember to bring your artifact tomorrow if you did not have it completed Friday.

Word of the day: bodacious (what does it mean?) 

Thursday 17 November 2016

Thursday, November 17th

Today you had the wonderful Ms. Atwall. I hope you had fun together. 

English - You discussed a news article about bottle flipping using the GIST strategy then did a rotation activity looking for the GIST words in different news articles. 

Social Studies - Final work time before your assignment is due tomorrow. 

Can't wait to see all your artifact pieces and research put together!

Reminders & Homework:
* Field trip form and coupon book
* Submit your missing/late assignments - slips going home tomorrow 
* Math multiplication colouring package due tomorrow 

Question of the day: What does it mean to high five someone? How would you define a high five?

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Wednesday, November 16

Can you believe we're over halfway through November!? One month today and we're almost on Christmas vacation!

Today's academic notes:

Div. 4 & 3 Socials - Work time for your inquiry project. Both the research and artifact are due this Friday. You completed a self assessment on your progress for this term. 

Math - You completed a self assessment reflection on what you've learned this term. You continued working through your colour by multiplication package. It is due for a homework check on Friday. 

Div. 5 English - Double block today. You completed a self assessment reflection on your progress for this term. We looked at the #MannequinChallenge article and summarized it using the GIST strategy. We discussed media on the internet and how videos, stories, and the latest crazes go "viral." In the second block you wrote! Hot writing creative free write. We will share some more of our stories next class. 

* Social Studies - Viking Inquiry Project due this Friday. Work on your artifact at home if you do not have your materials at school!
* Field trip permission forms and coupon books are due back
* Complete and hand in your missing/late assignments! End of term is approaching fast!
* Talent show meeting Friday at lunch for those of you interested in being apart of Journey's wonderful talent exhibition before Christmas break. 

Question of the day: where did the mannequin challenge originate? 

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Tuesday, November 15th

Last night I went through your Lord of the Flies projects. I am very impressed with the amount of effort and time that went into them. They look fabulous!

Math - You took notes on multiplying multi-digits numbers. We reviewed the steps and discussed regrouping and the step of adding the zero to the second line. You continued with your math colouring package and I called over some math groups to work on practice questions together. Homework tonight is to finish the "soccer balls" page 2 sheet. I will check for completion tomorrow. 

English Div. 5 - We reviewed the GIST strategy. You did a rotation activity in small groups where you read and discussed a recent news article. In your groups you found the 5 W's, H, and 10 GIST words to summarize the text and you shared your findings with the class. 

Former First Lady Michelle Obama and LeBron James doing the Mannequin Challenge. (Photo Credit: Cleveland Cavaliers via Twitter)

English Div. 4 - You were introduced to the GIST strategy. We read through a recent news article called "Have You Taken the Mannequin Challenge?" We discussed the 5 W's, H, and came up with 10 GIST words together as a class. We did our own version of the mannequin challenge (minus the song... I'll look into that tonight). 

Social Studies Div. 4 - You had computer lab time to work on your inquiry project. There are only a few class times left so you may want to consider completing some for homework (including the artifact piece). 


* Socials Inquiry Project due Friday
* Missing/late work - please complete and hand in!!
* P.A.C. Pizza lunch for sale tomorrow
* Bring in field trip forms and coupon books 

Word(s) of the day (song): Black Beatles 

Monday 14 November 2016

Monday, November 14th

Tonight is the biggest and brightest "supermoon" since 1948!

Today's academics:

Lord of the Flies Project was due today for both divisions. If you did not hand it in please get this done ASAP! If you're emailing me your attached Powerpoint or Prezi link, my email is: clajeunesse@sd62.bc.ca.

Div. 4 & 5 Socials - Viking inquiry project work block. You have two class times remaining to complete both your research and artifact portion of the project so make sure to keep on top of  it for homework if you feel like you are running out of time! Half of division 5 had their project conferences and the other half we will finish on Wednesday. Division 4, we will start your project conferences tomorrow.

Math - We reviewed multiplying by single digit and multi digit numbers (without a calculator!). You had an error analysis question to complete in class. For homework you're to complete the "Picture-Perfect Star" colour code sheet.


* Hand in signed field trip forms
* Return coupon book envelopes
* Missing work - please hand in!!

Word of the day taking after tonight's supermoon excitement: phenomenon 

Thursday 10 November 2016

Enjoy your long weekend! Remembrance Day event in Sooke starts tomorrow at 10am at the Evergreen Centre and continues on to the Sooke Legion.

Today's Classes:

Div. 4 Socials - Inquiry project work time in the lab. You're doing a fantastic job typing your big questions together with your little questions.

Math - Today we practiced some basic review (multi-digit multiplication) and played a jeopardy game based on this. We will continue multiplication and division review next week before moving into your fractions unit.

Homework to consider for the weekend:

* Any late work!!! Lord of the Flies Setting Maps, plot charts, society writing assignment, and movie comparisons.

* Lord of the Flies final project - Due Monday!!

* Social Studies Viking Inquiry Project - research and artifact due Friday, November 18th. 

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Wednesday, November 9th

This morning we have the privilege of having the Sooke Fire Department here to lead us through six different activities and demonstrations. I think we can all agree that it was awesome! You were all amazing listeners, participants, and asked meaningful questions. Well done!

Math - no class today due to the fire fighter activities. Unit 1 retest is tomorrow at lunch! Make sure to study from your errors. 

English Div. 4 & 5 - Today was your last work block before your LOTF project is due on Mon. November 14th. 

Div. 3 Socials - Viking inquiry work block. Please make sure to hand in your missing work. You will have two more work periods next week to complete the artifact portion of your project. 


* Please return your field trip permission forms and P.A.C. fundraiser coupon books ASAP! 

* Remembrance Day assembly tomorrow right after recess. A reminder that is a solemn assembly - no talking or clapping is permitted. 

Phrase of the day: Lest We Forget 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Tuesday, November 8th

We had so much fun hosting our little buddies at Journey today! You all did an awesome job being scavenger hunt guides.

Tomorrow you will be outside with the firefighters doing the activities discussed, rain or shine! You will have a short quiz in the morning reviewing what Madame Abell went over with you last week (see her blog for what you need to know).

Today's notes:

English Div. 4 - We discussed the due date for the final project. We both agreed that since you were losing a few class times due to the firefighter activities and Remembrance Day assembly, the new due date will be Monday, November 14th. This will give you the long weekend to complete the project.

English Div. 5 - You continued work on your project. They are coming along great!! Your last class time to work on this is tomorrow afternoon. New final due date since you're missing a class time tomorrow  for the firefighter activities: Monday, November 14th. 

Social Studies - No classes today due to little buddy fun. Continue working on your project at home if you feel you're falling behind. Check-in conferences will be next Monday and Wednesday (informal chats about where you are at with your project). Final due date next Friday, November 18th. 

Math - You received your unit tests back. There will be a retest option this Thursday at lunch for those who feel they could improve their mark. If you're taking the retest please come in before or after school or lunchtime tomorrow for extra help!!

Question of the day: What does the "P" stand for in the fire extinguisher acronym, PASS?

Monday 7 November 2016

Monday, November 7th

Today was a busy day of hard working!

Div. 4 - You wrote your math unit tests and will have them handed back tomorrow for you to see your mark and make corrections. In Socials you had a work block for your Viking Inquiry.

Div. 5 English - LOTF project work block. We will review the rubric and criteria in tomorrow's class.

Div. 3 Socials - Continued work on Viking inquiry project.

Socials & English Homework:

* LOTF Project due this Thursday, November 10th for both classes. Quite a few of you are slipping behind so doing some each night for homework would be a wise choice!

* Viking Inquiry Project - due next Friday, November 18th. This is quite a large project with both the research and artifact pieces. Doing a little bit each night at home may help you stay on top of it :)

See you all tomorrow for a terrific Tuesday. Word of the day: scavenger.

Sunday 6 November 2016

This Week at a Glance Nov. 7-10

Hope you all had a fabulous fall weekend and are enjoying your extra hour in the day!

Image result for time change fall 2016

This week's announcements:

Monday - Math unit test * I will be at school tomorrow morning at 8am is you need some extra help before the test!

Tuesday - Little buddies in the afternoon!

Wednesday - Sooke Firefighters activities with rotating stations. P.A.C. lunch (sushi and hot dogs).

Thursday - Remembrance Day assembly in block 2 after recess. LOTF project due for both classes.

Friday - Remembrance Day holiday (no school).

Question of the day: what do the Remembrance Day red poppies symbolize?

Friday 4 November 2016

Friday, November 4th

We made it to the weekend!

Today was a "cruisy" day as they'd say down under in Australia land.

Mrs. Abell reviewed BEDMAS with 3 math challenge questions for you during numeracy blockWe discussed how it was Random Act of Kindness Day and you wrote little notes to give to someone today as a random act of kindness. You had a work block where it was your choice to work on your Socials viking inquiry, English LOTF final project, or get some extra help with math before your UNIT TEST ON MONDAY!

Image result for random acts of kindness quotes
 LOTF Movie finale! The 1963 version was fabulous in my opinion :) If you missed today you can find the film on youtube (see link under English tab). We did a comparison worksheet on spotting the similarities and differences between the novel and the film.

Div. 3 Socials - We continued our viking inquiry investigations. Most of you have finalized your inquiry question and what exactly you'd like to investigate further.

 Possible homework for the weekend:

- Study for Math unit test on Monday (great practice links under Mrs. Bridal's math section on her blog)
- Continue working on your English LOTF project
- Socials vikings inquiry assignment
- Missing work (LOTF setting maps, LOTF plot chart, Norse mythology worksheet, Science/French)

Hope you all have the most wonderful weekend!!

Thursday 3 November 2016

Thursday, Novemnber 3rd

We started off this morning with a ravishing game of dodgeball. After that you were pumped up and ready for a fabulous hardworking day! 

Div. 4 English - You continued your work on your projects. Your ideas are coming along together and some of you have changed your original ideas. It's all part of the learning process and deciding what project works best for you. Tomorrow we will be watching the Lord of the Flies 1960's film in class!

Math - We had our last unit review today. You have unit review text questions as well as a package to work through. Your unit test on area, perimeter, factors, perfect squares, square roots, and Pythagorean will be this Monday, November 7th. I am here tomorrow at 8am, available during lunch, or after school if you need some extra help before the test. 

* Tomorrow's "health" talk is postponed. New date TBA. 

* Please stay on top of your English project work period goals! Work on some for homework if you feel like you're falling behind. 

* We will brainstorm some more ideas tomorrow in class of what to do with our little buddies next Tuesday afternoon. It sounds like some kind of outdoor scavenger hunt may be in favour! 

See you all tomorrow. Question of the day: In what country was the island from the 1963 Lord of the Flies movie filmed? 

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Wednesday, November 2nd

No firefighters presentation today :( Postponed until next Wednesday!

Div. 4 Math - We continued our unit review with the textbook questions and review package. The textbook questions are homework for those of you who haven't completed them ( page 55-57, #4-7, 13, 14, 18-23) and the review package we will continue working on tomorrow in class. 

The textbook is available online with this link: Online Math Makes Sense (also posted under the math section page). 

Div. 4 & 5 English - You continued working on your Lord of the Flies final project. You needed to show me your project proposal and timeline for your work periods before you got started. A reminder to bring all materials you need for your project to class such as poster board, a USB drive, or scissors/glue. 

Div. 3 Socials - We reviewed the Vikings inquiry project expectations and you began your research in the computer lab. By the end of the class today you had to come up with your "small inquiry question" for me to approve. 


* Grade 8 "Health" Talk Friday morning... you won't want to miss this! 

* Little Buddies next Tuesday - what kind of activity do you want to do with them here at Journey? 

* There is quite a lot of missing work out there still! This includes:

  • Lord of the Flies Setting Maps 
  • Character Thoughts Head
  • Lord of the Flies Plot Chart
  • Viking Evidence worksheet
  • Norse Mythology and God Summary Cards worksheet 

Word of the day reflects todays postponement of the visiting firefighters: adjourn 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Tuesday, November 1st

We started off the day by discussing tomorrow's firefighter visit with Mr. Abell (Mrs. Abell's husband). You will get to participate in all kinds of fire fighting education activities and will be rotating through six different stations. This will take place from after attendance up until lunchtime. You will learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher. Don't get any ideas from the clip below ;)

Notes from today:

Math -  We continued with our unit review by finishing up yesterday's textbook questions.

Div. 4 & 5 English - You were given the outline of your final project for Lord of the Flies. Most of you have made a decision on the project you'd like to work on and you created a timeline and project proposal that was confirmed by myself before you began.

Div. 4 Socials - Viking inquiry investigation continued. You had to hand me in your approved "small inquiry question" to connect to your big inquiry. You're all on the right track with this and you will start your research next class.

Word of the day is based on the acronym you needed to remember for using a fire extinguisher: PASS.